Support Us

Help us achieve better equal opportunity for blind and partially sighted artists.

A black woman, an East Asian man and a white woman walking between two moving walkways

Extant is the UK’s leading professional performing arts company, exploring visual impairment to create unique and innovative artistic experiences, that places visually impaired (VI) people at the centre of all it does: from the productions we create, to the artists we employ or support to build stronger careers in the sector, to the audiences we perform to and the participants we work with. If you are new to our work, you can view our highlights here.

Your support is vital to achieve better equal opportunity for blind and partially sighted people in the performing arts. Any amount you can give will go a long way in helping us to achieve our goal of equality. We will be extraordinarily grateful for your support and thank you in advance for your donation to continue our work, creating the only space in the UK that offers a beacon of support, training, professional employment and creative excellence for blind and partially sighted performing artists. Your money will go towards dedicated accessible opportunities for professional development, networking, and the presentation of work for members of our community.

You can also donate by calling us on 020 7820 3737.

From our artists:

“As a performer for over 20 years it can get depressing not being able to do anything creative for extended periods of time. Extant are really helping to alleviate this by continuing to deliver. Moving the Pathways Directors course and other workshops like No Dramas and the Eye Say project online, has helped to keep me creative and a smile on my face.”

“Covid-19 has severely impacted my career both as a solo practitioner and as a co-runner of a theatre company. I have lost the majority of my work for the foreseeable which puts me in a precarious situation financially. This will have a direct impact on future work both during and after the pandemic.”


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