The news has recently been awash with stories of miracle treatments for blindness, from stemcells, to lasers and wonder implants in the eye. Many sound too bizarre to be true – but only one is an entirely fictional creation dreamed up as part of Extant's new experimental online project, codenamed #Eyez.
Our top secret story has been brewing on Twitter and Facebook for the past few weeks but is now breaking cover! So join us online during October to follow the intriguing story of our heroine Helen, one of a group of visually impaired volunteers travelling to Zagreb for a mysterious medical trial that claims to restore sight within 24 hours. What could possibly go wrong?
Our interactive story will play out in real time via Helen's blog where our international cast of characters have been posting films about themselves, their dreams and fears, and already sparked some lively debates: http://slobodapatient.me
You can also click through from there to the mysterious clinic website to discover more about this 'miracle cure', and join in the debates on the blog or Extant's Twitter feed (@Extantltd).
But most importantly, keep following Helen's daily blog updates 13-25 October where her video diary entries will reveal the final dramatic outcome…
#Eyez is an experimental project in online storytelling. In true Extant style, it is by turns serious, silly and unsettling, and offers a dissection of modern culture and science from a visually impaired viewpoint.