Would you like to get an idea out of your head, onto the page and straight to the stage? Are you keen to get some support and advice on how to write for theatre/performance? Do you want to socialise and make friends with other writers?
Right to Write is a new writers’ meetup for Visually Impaired people who want to share their writing or be inspired to write their own work.
The meetup group is a friendly environment where we can talk about our ideas, have our work read, gain group feedback/encouragement, and learn more through trips to the theatre.
We will meet around 6 times throughout the year starting with some exciting activities this April.
If this sounds up your street then please get in touch. No previous writing experience required. Passion, enthusiasm and some level of commitment is all we ask!
For further details please contact Anita (lead facilitator) by email [email protected] and copy in [email protected]