Pathways launched on Tuesday, 9th October and since then has carried out a plethora of events, activities and workshops with many more being planned and discussed. Since October the eight Pathways actors have been assigned and undergone mentoring sessions with eight Extant colleagues as mentors, including Christopher Hunter, Mandy Redver, Amelia Cavallo, Elizabeth Wainwright, Heather Gilmore, Georgie Morrell and Steven George. The Pathways actors have taken part in various workshops in physical theatre, audition techniques, movement, roleplay and creative access.
Hannah Quigley, Pathways Programme Manager, has been hot on the heels of social and industry related issues, finding ways to challenge these. Hannah is offering up conversations around accessible play texts to drama schools, creating opportunities for drama school to get visual impairment awareness training which is so desperately needed, and focusing on growing the amount of visually impaired creatives within the industry.
Following a discussion led by Georgie Morrell, Ben Wilson, Karina Jones and Maria Oshodi at the Pathways Launch roundtable discussions are in planning to pool together any ideas, resources and approaches to potentially solving the issues of accessibility within drama schools.
Creating a pool of contacts and events, Pathways is bettering the industry's approaches to accessibility, ensuring that there are continued representations of visually impaired creatives. Pathways: a programme which trains and draws on a wider pool of talent but also helps the industry to diversify theirs.