Extant offers free creative workshops for VI individuals with experience of domestic violence
Extant are creating ‘Unseen,’ an audio drama that imaginatively explores and portrays the unique ways in which domestic violence affects blind and visually impaired individuals.
We are offering free creative workshops online to any blind or visually impaired individual with lived experience of domestic violence, who wishes to use creative tools to explore ways of sharing stories and finding new perspectives. Workshops will be held online in October-November on the dates below, and will be led by experienced visually impaired facilitators with support from SafeLives, a UK-based charity working in the area of domestic violence.
Attendees can choose to remain anonymous, and can either share any material you create during the workshops with Extant, to be worked into the audio drama, or simply take away new skills and tools with which to explore your experience through creativity.
Workshops will be held on Tuesday evenings from 6.30 – 8.30pm. The dates are Tuesday 17 October, 24 October, 31 October and 7 November. Attendees are free to attend all workshops, or to drop in for as many sessions as you choose. All workshops are free to attend via zoom but pre-registration is essential to receive an attendance link and password.
To register for the workshops, please contact Louisa Sanfey at [email protected]
For more information about Extant, the UK’s leading professional theatre company for blind and visually impaired people, please visit our website here: https://extant.org.uk/