Extant's partnership with Sadlers Wells kicks off on Saturday 10 January 2015 with a day devoted to dance activities for visually impaired people. Full details including access and timings are below.
(To book your place please contact Sadlers Wells directly, full email and telephone number as below.)
Event title: Community Engagement Programme – New Adventures Sensory Programme to Edward Scissorhands
Date: Saturday 10th January 2015
Time: 9.45pm arrival time, 4.30pm finish
Venue: Sadler’s Wells Theatre
Cost: Free to blind and partially sighted participants & sighted companions
Timetable of events:
- Sensory practical workshop – exploring the movement style of New Adventures around the production of Edward Scissorhands – arrival time 9.45am in the main front of house foyer (finish time 12:15pm)
- Touch tour – join us on the main stage, hosted by Vocaleyes – arrive at stage door at 12:45
- Audio Described performance of Edward Scissorhands – start time at 2.30pm
Directions to Venue: Sadler's Wells is situated on Rosebery Avenue, London EC1R 4TN. If you are coming by bus, numbers 19, 38 and 341 travel from the West End to outside the theatre.
If you are coming by Tube, the nearest station is the Angel – which is on the Northern Line Bank Branch. The theatre is 250 metres – that's about a 7 minute walk to the theatre. There is no step free access at Angel station. Turn left out of the station. After about twenty metres you come to a cross roads with traffic lights. Carry straight on over the main road, and down St Johns Street. Rosebery Avenue is the second turning on your right after the traffic lights. The main front of house foyer entrance is framed by a red light box. It is a flat entrance with no steps. The glass doors will be open for your arrival.
Access: Sadlers Wells building is fully wheelchair accessible. Access support will also be on hand during the workshops. Sighted companions & guide dogs are welcome.
To book a place or for more information contact Sadlers Wells Access Officer: [email protected] or tel: 020 7863 8096.
Sadlers Wells are also offering a performance of The Great Gatsby (audio described performance, plus insight workshop and touch tour) on Saturday 28th March. Please contact [email protected] or tel: 020 7863 8096 for further information and to book a place.