ACUD Theater presents
The Third Annual Theater Festival „Transvisual Dramatic – Theatre by the Blind and the Seeing“ at:
ACUD-Theater, Veteranenstr. 21, 10119, Berlin-Mitte
from November 9. – 15.
(Schwerpunkt 2009: Theater im Dunkeln) focus 2009: „Theater in the Dark“
The festival takes place in Berlin at the ACUD arts and cultural center (theater, gallery) and on the museum barge “Schleppkahn Helene” in the historical harbour of Berlin. It is sponsored among others by “Aktion Mensch”.
This year's festival is going to present productions of theater creators from England, Finland, Hungary and Germany that are blind, visually impaired as well as have normal vision. They are going to put the spectators into an external situation which blind persons experience constantly: Theater is going to happen in the dark. A paradox?
In the consciousness of most people theater is an art form that primarily addresses the eyes. What kind of spatial concepts, what other form of sences (acoustic, tactile, olfactory, even optical if we consider strong light signals), and finally what kind of stimulation of the real power of theater, the imaginative ability of the spectator, become possible, if we stray from the way of the peep box stage, of doing theater by merely showing?
Last not least the effort to tap alternative modes of expression in a world increasingly suffocated by visual waste is partly based on utopian aspirations.
Alongside the theatre performances accompanying workshops for blind and visually impaired actors / actresses and interested theater goers will be held.
Mo Nov 09 and Tue Nov 10, 2009 8 p.m. – Theatre in the Dark
- Title:Matrosenaufstand (Sailors' Rebellion)
- Language of performance: German
- Drama group:Limited Blindness – Germany / Berlin
- Venue: Floating Museum “Schleppkahn Helene” Historic Harbour Berlin
We Nov 11, 2009 8 p.m. – Theatre in the Dark
- Title:“Éjszaka Tapintása” (NightSenses)
- Language of performance: English
- Drama group:Vakrepülés Szinjátszó Egyesülent (theatre Blind Flight) -Hungary
- Venue: ACUD-theatre
Th Nov 12, 2009 8p.m. – Theatre in the Dark
- Title:The effing and blinding Cabaret
- Language of performance: English
- Drama group:Extant – Great Britain
- Venue: ACUD-theatre
Fr Nov 13, 2009 3 p.m. – Stage Play
- Title:“Träume können wahr werden, wenn man fest an sie glaubt ” (Dreams can come true if you believe in them enough)
- Language of performance: German
- Drama group:Die Füchse (The Foxes), school theatre group Germany/Chemnitz
- Venue: ACUD-theatre
Fr Nov 13, 2009 8 p.m. – Performance
- Title:Love and metaphors of sea
- Drama group:Tähtisumu (Stardust) – Finland
- Venue: ACUD-theatre
Sa Nov 14, 2009 3 p.m. – Workshop in the dark
- Title:Black out
- Drama group:Kriszta Maj with members of Blind Flight theatre, Hungary
- Venue: ACUD-theatre
Sa Nov 14, 2009 8 p.m. – Closing Party
- Public closing party with open stage and concert
- Venue: ACUD-theatre