In October 2017 the Catching the Ghost team reconfigured and hit the road, and then the skies, to present the show at the 10th International Blind in Theatre or BIT Festival in Zagreb, hosted by New Life (Novi Zivot). The festival ran from 5 – 11 October with a programme of shows of varying size and stature, from countries including Croatia, Montenegro, Germany and the USA. This was a very special cross-cultural opportunity to meet other visually impaired theatre-makers from across the world, watch their work and discuss each piece the following day by participating in roundtable sessions.
Our production was well received by the international audience, which included many English language students from the Croatian capital, who filled out the beautiful Vidra theatre. On the last night of the festival we attended the closing ceremony, with Chris, Maria and Steve joining in for the concluding jam session!
You can listen to some clips of our adventures in Zagreb featured in the latest Extant podcast, available here.
The next week we came back home to perform the show once more, this time as part of the 2017 Bloomsbury Festival. It took place at Bloomsbury theatre studio and was followed by an engaging Q&A session with nearly the whole audience staying on to throw questions to the two actors, Maria and assistant director Julie Osman.
Watch the highlights from the show filmed by Primodv in Brighton earlier this year.