Extant is looking for a brilliant and experienced individual to manage the delivery of a new initiative, Pathways, which will increase the number of visually impaired people developing successful careers in the performing arts.
Read the full job description and person specification which can be downloaded here, and read below on how to apply. If you would like to receive this information in another format, then contact Tabitha or Josh in the office by calling 020 7820 3737 or email [email protected]
How to apply
If you wish to have an informal conversation about the role prior to applying, please contact the Executive Director, Tabitha Allum by email to arrange a phone call: [email protected]
If you wish to apply for the role of Pathways Programme Manager at Extant, you need to send:
- a current CV
- completed application form (link below)
- completed Equal Opportunities monitoring form (link below)
to [email protected] by 5pm on Friday 13th April.
Download the Job Description
Download the Pathways Programme Manager Application form
Download the Equal Opportunities form
Equal opportunities
Extant aims to be an equal opportunities employer and we are particularly keen to hear from applicants who have a personal experience of visual impairment. We would be open to applications from candidates who wish to work flexibly.